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Dot Plot Creator
An add-in product for Microsoft Excel
  • Create dot plots with or without uncertainty lines
  • Easier to read and understand than column charts
  • Create multiple different dot series, one for each column of data or row
  • No need to transpose your data to get an alternate view
  • Menu driven for ease of use

Download a trial version now!


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The Dot Plot Creator add-in for Microsoft Excel makes it easy to create dot plots.  It is compatible with Microsoft Excel 2010-2021 and Office 365.

The following illustrates dot plots with and without error bars:

simple dot plot   complex dot plot


The second chart illustrates plotting two columns of data, with uncertain bars on the 2012 forecast.  Each division has a separate uncertainty range.  And the forecast dots have been connected with a dotted line.  This makes it easy to see which division is forecasting an increase or decrease in earnings.  The the uncertainty lines lets one know if the division is being aggressive on their forecast or conservative.


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